Thursday, March 20, 2008


If anyone truly knows me they will know I love flowers. So much so that I convinced my boys to take me to a Camellia Flower show. The flowers were brought in from all over the state and were judged and given awards. We have a few Camellias that are currently blooming. But these were really neat to see.
Bryson's favorite part was the fish in the building and the peacocks and Canadian geese outside.


Janeen said...

those flowers are incredible!

Unknown said...

Jamilah, thank you so much for all you've put into this blog! I love the pictures of you & the boys & Brian, and the camelias are so beautiful! I love the picture of you on the skateboard, and your commentary makes it all even more special!
love you, Mom

Brett and Shireen Olsen said...

Hi Jamilah! Glad you guys are back at blogging, I have missed you! Love the flowers and especially you skateboarding. Miss you guys...

Karalee said...

Jamilah!!! Hey how are you??!! I can't believe I found your blog!!! Im so excited!! I have been meaning to get your email from your parents. My mom said you guys moved to Washington. How is it? Your boys are so cute and you look great! We need to email each other and catch up. We need to get together next time you come down to visit. We also have a blog..Im somewhat new to it..Its Its kinda stell, but Natalie talked me into it. Liseanne and Kerri also have one. There links are on my page. Can I add you to my list and we can catch up?!
Im seriously so excited to have found ya! Karalee!!